
UAF protesters demonstrate against the English Defence League as they march in support of the Dutch Islamophobic politician Geert Wilders who was a guest of UKIP at the Houses of Parliament. London.

© Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk NUJ recommended terms & conditions apply. Moral rights asserted under Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988. Credit is required. No part of this photo to be stored, reproduced, manipulated or transmitted by any means without permission.

Police medic sits on a UAF protesters legs while arresting him on a demonstration against the English Defence League as they march in support of the Dutch Islamophobic politician Geert Wilders who was a guest of UKIP at the Houses of Parliament. London.

© Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk
Tel: 01789-262151/07831-121483  
NUJ recommended terms & conditions apply. Moral rights asserted under Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988. Credit is required. No part of this photo to be stored, reproduced, manipulated or transmitted by any means without permission.
Police medic sits on a UAF protesters legs while arresting him on a demonstration against the English Defence League as they march in support of the Dutch Islamophobic politician Geert Wilders who was a guest of UKIP at the Houses of Parliament. London. © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk Tel: 01789-262151/07831-121483 info@reportdigital.co.uk NUJ recommended terms & conditions apply. Moral rights asserted under Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988. Credit is required. No part of this photo to be stored, reproduced, manipulated or transmitted by any means without permission.
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